
Monday, April 29, 2013

No More Crying

A guest blog (and product review) by Dragon Dave’s wife.

Does the sight of an onion make you want to cry?  Do you end up throwing out your onions, because they went bad waiting to be chopped?  I understand completely, as chopping onions always makes me weep.  Last time, it got so bad that Dragon Dave finished the chopping for me as I escaped out to the yard.

I wondered why is that the onions make us cry, so I did a little research and found when you cut an onion, you break cells, releasing their contents which are enzymes and Amino acid sulfoxides in the form of sulfenic acids. Enzymes that were kept separate now are free to mix with the sulfenic acids to produce propanethiol S-oxide, a volatile sulfur compound that wafts upward toward your eyes. This gas reacts with the water in your tears to form sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid burns, stimulating your eyes to release more tears to wash the irritant away. 

I found several folk remedies to keep the gases from getting into my eyes.  These included burning candles or matches nearby while slicing the onion, cooling or freezing the onion before cutting, and even slicing the onion underwater.  No matter what I tried, I always ended up crying.  Then one night, while watching "Castle" (one of our favorite TV shows), I noticed that Richard Castle and his daughter Alexis were wearing goggles while chopping onion.  This got me thinking,  “I need a pair of those!”

With two onions awaiting my attention, I decided the goggles were worth a try.  So I dug out a coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond, and off Dragon Dave and I went.  The first sales clerk had never heard of Onion Goggles, but the second led us to where the goggles were displayed amid a vast selection of kitchen gadgets.  They only had pink in stock, but I was thinking, “Yeah, they have the goggles!”  Then we headed home.  It was time to face the onions.

Gearing-up For Hazardous Duty

At home, I got out the onion, chopping board, and knife.  Donning the goggles I got started chopping.  What a great experience it was: no tearing up, no crying, and zero pain.  I can now chop onions anytime I need to.  The only drawback is that the goggles don’t fit over my glasses, so I have to be a little more careful when chopping so I do not chop off any fingers.

Mission Accomplished!

The next test will come when I harvest the dozen or so onions out in the garden.

Dragon Dave’s Wife

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