
Monday, May 27, 2013

Those Nameless Star Trek Security Guards

In the original Star Trek TV series, the security guards wore red shirts.  This must have worried them, as red is such an eye-catching color.  Indeed, most of the people who died on away-missions wore red.  These security guards filled an important function, yet they were rarely recognized, and none became memorable crew-members of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

While the later movies would address this issue by making Mr. Chekov head of Security, “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” really made the security guards stand out.  Each wore armor that covered his torso, as well as a helmet secured by a thick chinstrap.  Unfortunately, the encounter with V’ger never gives them anything to do.  Even when the burst of plasma energy invades the bridge, the security guard is ordered to keep back, and not even fire his phaser, as Ilia, the beautiful Deltan navigator, is killed. 

Apparently Marv Wolfman, who adapted Harold Livingston’s script for Marvel Comics, was dissatisfied with the inability of the security guards to fulfill their proper role.  So he has the security officer on the bridge attempt to combat the V’ger’s plasma-probe, in the hopes of defending his crewmates.

Needless to say, things don’t go well for him. 

While Wolfman doesn’t name the fallen security guard, he will have Kirk list the security guard among the Enterprise personnel “Missing” following their encounter with V’ger.  And so, finally, a Star Trek security guard gets the respect he deserves.   

Images from Marvel Comics' Star Trek Vol. 1, Issue No. 2.

Dragon Dave


  1. and none became memorable crew-members of the U.S.S. Enterprise. First Security Services bodyguards

  2. It was actually filmed qith the guard being zapped and later edited from the film.
