
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Review: Spine of the Dragon by Kevin J. Anderson Part 1

From memorable characters to mythical creatures, from epic adventures to world-threatening wars, High Fantasy stories have long stirred readers’ souls with the romance of a forgotten age. Kevin J. Anderson is a respected and beloved writer of the genre, with roughly 160 titles to his credit. His latest novel, Spine of the Dragon, promises to delight existing fans, while winning over those who hold J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, and George R. R. Martin in high regard.

The novel begins with a kingdom in crisis. King Adan Starfall of Suderra races from Bannriya Castle, and rides through the streets of his capital city, to prepare his citizens for an approaching sandstorm. Beside him rides his wife Penda, a member of nomadic Utauk peoples. After helping their subjects seek shelter, the royal couple race back to their castle. The storm howls and beats at the castle walls, tears aside shutters, and breaks windows. Aided by the servants and his father-in-law Hale Orr, Adan manages to keep the windblown sand from invading his castle.

When the storm passes, Sandwreths arrive outside the city gates. Although their crumbling statues remain in Bannriya, this ancient race has not been seen for two thousand years. Some consider the Wreths little more than the creations of storytellers, invented to explain the prehistory of the Commonwealth. 

But as their Queen Voo walks through Bannriya, and banishes the sand clogging the city’s streets with a wave of her hand, King Adan Starfall realizes that Humanity’s former rulers have returned.

Adan’s father Conndur, king of Osterra--and overall leader, or Konag, of the Commonwealth--faces more pressing concerns, when Isharan warships attack his coastal town of Mirrabay. Conndur sends his Brava Utho to mount a defense. With the magic fire a Brava can summon, Utho rallies the townspeople. But they can do little to fend off the ravages of the godling, a primal force born of Isharan beliefs, the magic that suffuses the Isharan land, and the hatred of their priests for the Commonwealth.

Like his brother Conndur, and his nephew Adan, King Kollanan of Norterra, the final member state of the Commonwealth, faces a new and unexpected threat. A relaxed and solitary journey to visit his daughter’s family ends in a confrontation with powerful beings who have frozen the town before its people could flee. Kollanan survives the encounter, and races back to Fellstaff castle. The Frostwreths have returned!

Aside from mourning their lost family members, as well as the other slain townspeople, Adan and Kollanan fear a resumption of the Wreth wars. Commonwealth lands may not compare with the rich magic teeming in Isharan soil, capable of summoning the awesome energies of the godlings. But at least the soil of Osterra, Suderra, and Norterra can grow plants again, and Commonwealth citizens live more than a hand-to-mouth existence. Sadly, the same cannot be said of the Furnace, a wasteland filled with deserts, valleys cluttered with rocks so slick and sharp that a slip-and-fall means death, mystical Wreth ruins, and soil still lifeless after two millennia of rest.

Konag Conndur hasn’t seen the Wreths. Although he holds his son and brother in high regard, Adan and Kollanan’s stories seem too fantastic to be believed. Besides, he’s got the brutal assaults from Ishara to worry about. His Brava Utho likewise puts little stock in the other kings’ reports. This seems strange, as Bravas can summon magical fire due to their Wreth-and-Human heritage. But then, Utho burns with anger at how the Isharans killed his family in an earlier attack on Mirrabay, during the last war between Ishara and the Commonwealth. Nor can he forget how the Isharans nearly exterminated his halfbreed race. 

All told, it's a powerhouse opening from a masterclass writer. (And it only gets better from here, folks).

Dragon Dave

Spine of the Dragon, the first volume in the Wake The Dragon series, goes on sale today. Secure a copy quickly, before they all sell out!

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