
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Check Out The New Predator


Predator #1 Cover A by Leinil Francis Yu

There's a new Predator in town, and she isn't what she appears. I've been eagerly awaiting this series for two years, and after the excruciating delay, the first issue doesn't disappoint. The story begins with a battle, then opens up to reveal the central character's backstory, and help you understand what drives her. 


The chronology summarizes the first and second movies, Predators, and Shane Black's latest film. Surprisingly, although Marvel has released a full year's worth of Alien (12 issues, 1 annual, and a one-shot sequel to Aliens), no mention is made of the Aliens Vs Predator films. But that particular match-up began in comics before it ventured onto the big screen, so if Marvel's efforts with both franchises prove successful, perhaps that's a possibility for the future.


 The first few pages are mostly action, so let's get into the battle. Enjoy!




After this first battle, you'll find more compelling art and plenty to read. The remainder of the issue intertwines the main character's backstory with her current desperate situation. It's not just exciting, but heartfelt too.



I heartily recommend Predator #1, which gives you more pages for $4.99, before the series reverts to its usual length and $3.99 price. If you enjoyed the movies, give Predator #1 a try. I did, which is why I'm recommending it to you.

Dragon Dave

P.S. This, and previews for many other great comics, can be found at

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