
Thursday, November 28, 2024

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #26 Review


Writer: Cody Ziglar

Artist: Federico Vicentini

Colorist: Bryan Valenza

Letterer: Cory Petit

Cover Artists: Federico Vicentini & Neeraj Menon; Amanda Conner & Paul Mounts

Design: Jay Bowen

Editors: Kaeden McGahey, Kaitlyn Lindtvedt, Tom Groneman, Nick Lowe & C B Cebulski

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $3.99

Release Date: November 20, 2024


Miles Morales has a new suit. The thin fabric sports the latest Wakandan technology without impeding Spider-Man’s agility and regulates the venom energy that keeps his vampirism at bay. The only drawback? He can't unleash his venom energy in one massive blast. The Black Panther’s gift is just the first step in Miles’ journey toward a cure, but Vulture isn’t waiting for Miles to regain his humanity. Adrian Toomes wants his granddaughter back, and this Bird Of Prey won’t stop until he clutches Miles in his claws. Can Spider-Man repulse the Vulture in his weakened, regulated state? Let's slip into our Vibranium nano-mesh suits, leap into Miles Morales: Spider-Man #26, and find out!



Misty Knight cares about her intern. That's why she enlisted the Black Panther's aid. Still, she wants to set boundaries. Miles put her on hold to talk with Tiana, then invited his girlfriend inside her garage without requesting permission. But the Vulture's attack brings the magnitude of Miles' complicated life home to Misty. Rabble's fixation on Spider-Man left his home in ruins and nearly killed his family. Now, the Vulture wants to take her intern down. Like Rabble, the Vulture trashes her garage and may kill her amid his savage attack on Spider-Man.


In Miles Morales: Spider-Man #26, the Vulture grabs Spider-Man and flies away. But the Vulture doesn't carry Miles far because he's anxious to kill this pest and rebuild his relationship with Tiana. Miles tries to reason with Adrian but can't say anything Tiana's grandfather wants to hear. How could he? Miles is a child. Worse, he's a thief who pretends to be a do-gooder!


Miles may be the hero of Cody Ziglar’s story, but Tiana Toomes puts her stamp on Miles Morales: Spider-Man #26. After all the problems with her parents, Tiana craved stability, but her grandfather fed her lies. She ripped Adrian Toomes’ heart out when they parted ways, but he can’t blame her because she’s family. So Miles, the outsider, becomes Adrian’s target.


The Vulture prides himself on caring for his family. But as with Magneto, anyone outside his flock doesn’t matter. With age comes wisdom, but that doesn’t mean others will embrace your truth. While her grandfather loved her, Adrian’s controlling protectionism left Tiana unfulfilled. She found the stability she sought with Miles. Her grandfather, who should dig his claws into his roost and watch her fly, wants to drag her back to his nest again. And Adrian will kill anyone who prevents him from sustaining her on his activities and ideologies.



While Miles wants to talk, the Vulture intends to fight. As long as Adrian remains fixated on his goal, he takes Miles to the cleaners. But things get complicated when the destruction he unleashes endangers his granddaughter. So, Adrian swoops in to grab Miles and flies toward the moon. The combatants show no more regard for a construction crane than James Bond in Casino Royale. When they alight on a roof, Miles tries to reason with Adrian. But the more Miles talks, the more violent Adrian gets. Miles' venom-energy-fueled attacks shatter the rooftop, while the Vulture follows Deadpool’s playbook by flinging razor-sharp weapons.


Bryan Valenza lavishes bright hues on Federico Vicentini’s explosive art in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #26. The red on Miles’ new costume links him with Misty Knight and Tiana Toomes. The purple ties him to the Black Panther. There's an eerie resonance in this association between the Spectacular Undead Spider-Man and the King Of The Dead, while the yellow power of the sun courses through Miles' high-tech suit. Just as red opposes green on the color wheel, Miles and the Vulture battle each other for the fate of Tiana. So, Adrian's red-plumed granddaughter pushes Miles aside to oppose the green Vulture and show how far she has come.


Cory Petit thwips black uppercase letters into white dialogue balloons. He shares Miles' thoughts with white letters in red narrative boxes. The delicate font emboldens for inflection, swells for raised voices, and rarely shrinks. Energetic sound effects help us hear rapid-fire feathers, steel beams breaking, a collapsing roof burying someone alive, and the hum as venom energy builds toward maximum intensity. Thanks to Marvel Comics for providing a copy for review. 





Final Thoughts

The Black Panther wants to heal Miles. But in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #26, the Vulture is hurting. Like Rabble, Adrian Toomes wants his family back. As Spider-Man stole the relationship Adrian cherished, Vulture won't stop until he has killed the interloper who left him bereft.


Rating 9.6/10


To preview interior art see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.

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