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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Our Burgeoning Banana Plant

Ten years ago, we bought a banana tree from a nursery, planted it in our back yard, and watched it…do nothing for a couple years, until it died.  About 5-7 years ago, a friend was rearranging her back yard, and she invited us to dig up any banana pups we desired.  We left these in black plastic pots until a few years ago, when we moved them in a planting bed.

A few weeks ago, one of the plants finally bloomed.  We’re so delighted that we’ve been photographing it as it develops.  My wife tells me that if it does fruit, it could take nine months before we get our first banana.  How that would work, with nine months from now being December, I don’t know.  It’d be nice to get a fruit from it, but at the very least, it’s interesting to see the process of birth (hopefully) taking place.

Apparently, we're not the only ones interested in our banana plant.

Sadly, while this plant is blooming, the woman who gave it to us is ailing.  Think of her as Gayle.  Some abdominal pains went undiagnosed, and Gayle's appendix burst before it could be removed.  After spending a few days at home, she had to return to the hospital for additional surgery, to address subsequent complications.  I'm sure that Gayle, and her family, would appreciate your thoughts and prayers during this time.

Dragon Dave 

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