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Friday, April 26, 2013

Daleks Love Nachos

Recently, Pocket and Denim offered to make us nachos.  I wasn't sure they were up to the challenge, but Pocket assured us they knew our preferences, and my wife was touched by their offer, so I told them to go ahead.

Denim: Now, they each want an ounce of chips, right?
Pocket: Uh, it might help if you got off the plate.
Denim: Right.  I think I can handle the chips, boss.
Pocket: All right, I'll start on the lettuce, you hit the beans next.

Denim: Workin' the beans,
workin' the beans,
Daleks come rejoicin',
workin' the beans..."

Pocket: Phew!  Washing and drying the lettuce takes longer than I thought.

Denim: How you doing, boss?  The beans are hot, and the hot pads are cool!
Pocket: Oh good, you can help me chop the lettuce.

Pocket: No, they like their lettuce chopped smaller than that.
Denim: I thought you said chopped, not Exterminated?
Pocket: They don't want the large pieces of lettuce to fall off their chips.
Less lip, mister, and more chopping!

Pocket: Oh good, you remembered Master likes his cheese
microwaved on the chips before spreading the beans.
Denim: Don't you have more lettuce to chop?

Denim: I like how you made Master's sour cream and salsa resemble a flower.
Pocket: You won't tell the others about that, will you?
Denim: Your secret is safe with me, boss.

Pocket: I think that's everything.
Denim: You think they'd mind if we had a taste.
Pocket: We'd better not.  Nachos can be addictive.
One taste, and....

"Hey, how's it going in there, you two?"

Denim: Wow, you weren't kidding!
Pocket: Quick, grab the chips and the scale.  Hurry!

By the time Pocket and Denim brought out our plates, my wife and I were ravenous.  But they made our nachos just the way we like them, so I shouldn't complain.  The only strange thing is that I thought I had another head of lettuce in the fridge. bag of chips is nearly empty?  Pocket, Denim!  Can you come here for a moment?

Dragon Dave

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