My phone has been ringing off the hook these past few weeks. When I answered, I heard a prerecorded endorsement
for a political candidate. These politicians
and citizens, who have never met me, felt sure that I shared their concerns
about a particular issue. Some of them referred to me by name, as if I was a long-time friend. While such messages are known as robocalls, I
know they're not really made by robots.
Instead, they came from a machine called an autodialer, which uses complex
algorithms to impersonate people and personalize messages.
Yet the name is evocative, and I could not help but wonder:
how might my favorite robots vote, if we allowed them to? Or better yet, how might they advise me in navigating the confusing promises and propositions?
Even if I could understand R2-D2’s noises, I’m not sure how
interested he’d be in elections. He
seems more task-oriented. Give him a
problem, and R2-D2 will find a way to tackle it. This makes him great in a crisis, but when it
comes to complex decision-making as to what’s best for society, I have a
feeling he’d be less help.
Unfortunately, his friend C-3PO wouldn’t be a great help either. He’d be too worried about the worst-case scenario
of any proposal. I think he’d also be
too busy calculating the odds against any particular candidate keeping his or
her promises to assess their relative merit.
While I could use C-3PO as a sounding board to confirm my own anxieties,
I’m not sure he could help me vote for a person or issue.

So, in this scenario, I suppose I would have to turn to
K-9. Assuming that Doctor Who or Sarah
Jane doesn’t need him, I think he could be of great help. His personality seems ideally suited to
analyze the propositions and the candidates.
With his ability to assess strengths and weaknesses of proposals, and the
records, personalities, and associations of candidates, K-9 could advise me how
best to vote, given my concerns about what I’d like to see occurring in my
society. Yes, give me K-9 on voting day:
I cannot imagine a better advisor.

Regardless of whom I chose or how I vote, every day the evolving
political process prompts B9 to repeat his warnings. Sometimes I wish Dr. Zachary Smith would
reprogram B9 to only alert me to the most pressing dangers. But then, I don’t need K-9 to warn me against
trusting Dr. Smith.
Dragon Dave
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