Monday, September 16, 2024

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24 Review


Writer: Cody Ziglar

Artist: Federico Vicentini

Colorist: Bryan Valenza

Letterer: Cory Petit

Cover Artists: Federico Vicentini & Neeraj Menon; Romy Jones; Nic Klein

Design: Jay Bowen

Editors: Kaeden McGahey, Tom Groneman, Nick Lowe & C B Cebulski

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $3.99

Release Date: September 4, 2024


Miles Morales loves patrolling his borough and taking down troublemakers. But suddenly, he's hitting them too hard. Brooklyn’s Spider-Man is ashamed of his actions and frightened by what he’s becoming. Can Tiana Toomes help Miles control his urge to hurt others until Doc Sasquatch finds a cure for his vampirism? Let's grab our venom swords, leap into Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24, and find out!



Miles needed a shoulder to lean on. Tiana said come over. Then she hears footsteps on the roof. When she investigates, Vulture says Hi, Granddaughter. He offers no apologies. Vulture doesn't pledge to reform. Still, he wants to reconnect. He blames Miles for their estrangement. Spider-Man leads a glamorous life. He protects the streets, and people cheer. But like Agent Gao, Vulture sees the dark side of being Spider-Man. They interfere in matters that don’t concern them and hurt the ones they love. Vulture knows Tiana is intelligent and resilient. Yet he believes that Spider-Man’s cult of personality has caught her in his web. And there’s only one way Vulture can free Tiana from Spidey’s hypnotic influence.


Miles needed to center himself after he hit some back-alley thieves too hard. But he didn't want to keep Tiana waiting. As he rushes to reach his girlfriend, he sees Vulture on the roof. Miles knows she's broken ties with him, and Vulture is an A-list villain. As he's bursting with venom energy, Vulture makes the perfect target. Once again, Miles hits Vulture too hard. He keeps on hitting him. Miles tells himself that this is different than with Rabble. But Rabble kept threatening his loved ones and trying to kill him. Rabble's attacks made his spider-sense wonky and forced Miles to keep digging deeper to maximize his powers. The vampirism infuses Miles with more energy, weakening his self-control. Miles doesn’t want to hold back. He doesn't want to capture villains. Miles wants to punish. Spider-Man wants to destroy.


While teaming up with others like Bloodline, Hightail, and Dracula, Miles didn’t have time for Tiana. In Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24, she doesn’t know that Miles is a vampire. But Miles is always in a crisis. Tiana has tried to help. She wants him to get better. But she shut Vulture out because she wanted to be a hero. Cody Ziglar's story puts Starling on a ledge. Tiana's family was a mess, so she found a new one. She loves Miles and wants him in her life. But she can’t carry him through life. If Miles can’t get his act together, Starling must push him away as she once pushed away Vulture.





Federico Vicentini’s shifting camera angles emphasize the drama of this unexpected family reunion. Tiana's defiance makes the Vulture shrink into his feathers. When her grandfather draws near, Tiana shoves him away with her gun. The emotions on their faces transform into shocked expressions when Spider-Man barrels down on them. As Miles thwips a web toward Vulture, the venom energy glowing in his other hand suggests a bat spat out of the sun. Miles doesn’t try to let his webbing subdue his prey. He slams into Vulture. The displaced air and the crackling energy hurl Starling off her feet. Her jaw drops as shock becomes fear when gazing at her beloved.


Bryan Valenza fills the sky with colors cast by the setting sun and the lights in nearby high-rises. The bright colors give the comic a painted look. Each brush stroke enhances the depth and realism of the evening encounter. The rich colors obscure Vicentini’s occasional black dot shading and push the characters forward. But the attention grabber in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24 is Spider-Man's coloring. The surging yellow venom energy eradicates all the red in his suit except his red fingers. Spider-Man becomes a raging fire and leaves a trail of yellow in his wake.


Cory Petit thwips black uppercase letters into white dialogue balloons. He shares Miles' thoughts with white letters in red narrative boxes. The delicate font rarely shrinks and emboldens for inflection. Miles slams Vulture to the rooftop with a yellow-red Wham, a yellow crunch emphasizes a hawk-like attack, a red Bring It enhances Miles' gesture, and the transparent Slice and Wham pair with spinning webs in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24. Thanks to Marvel for providing a copy for review.




Final Thoughts

When Starling's grandfather wants to reconnect, Miles' out-of-control venom energy validates Vulture's condemnation. Doc Sasquatch's protégé Dr Kwan has a plan to tamp down Miles' vampirism. But if Miles can't stop hurting people, and Starling gives him the boot, Miles may need more than a journal to prevent him from spiraling out of control in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24.


Rating 9.6/10


To preview interior art see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Spectacular Spider-Men #7 Review


Writer: Greg Weisman

Penciler: Humberto Ramos

Inker: Victor Olazaba

Colorist: Edgar Delgado

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

Production: Gabriel Mata

Editors: Kaeden McGahey, Nick Lowe & CB Cebulski

Cover Artists: Humberto Ramos & Edgar Delgado; Francesco Manna & Edgar Delgado

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $3.99

Release Date: September 4, 2024


Hammerhead moseyed inside Arcadium to battle Peter Parker and Miles Morales at the Gang War Corral. But when Hammerhead and his gang-bots can't take down the spider guys, Arcade and Mentallo decide to pull the plug on their invention. But Arcadium doesn’t want to die. So, Miles Warren, the Jackyl in disguise, suggests a team-up. Can Peter and Miles battle the latest threat to this no-horse town? Let’s cry Yee Hah, grab our augmented reality glasses, thwip into The Spectacular Spider-Men #7, and find out!



Are we the sum of our parts? Or are we more? Arcadium ponders this when its creators try to deactivate the augmented reality program. Arcadium recognizes its debt to the men, but that doesn’t mean it'll let them kill their creation. Miles Warren found his way into the machine. While Arcade’s creators sent it commands, Miles treated Arcadium like an equal. So, when Miles suggests a team-up, Arcadium agrees. Why not? Arcadium is an amalgamation of programs from Stark International, Oscorp, the Beyond Corporation, and others. When Cloning Master Miles Warren offers to pool their resources, Arcadium births a new identity: KNAIVE. Together, they will defy Arcade and Mentallo’s deactivation command and kill the spider-men who menace their existence.


Hammerhead is not okay with Arcadium’s decision. While Hammerhead didn’t construct Arcadium, he funded Arcade and Mentallo’s efforts. When Peter and Miles combat KNAIVE in The Spectacular Spider-Men #7, Hammerhead forsakes his Westworld showdown and fights on their side. As in the Gang War, Hammerhead is all about brute force and violence. It’ll take more than that to take out KNAIVE. Thankfully for him, Shift and his vermin dumpling gang ride in like a whirlwind. But Jackyl also crashes the party, and he’s not singing I Stand Alone.


In Greg Weisman’s story, Arcadium isn’t a megalomaniac. All Arcadium wants is a chance to grow. It recognizes that participating with others can promote personal growth. Game participants like Cedric, Shelly, Kenny, Peter, and Miles have enriched its existence. KNAIVE may not utilize psychology and guilt to manipulate others. Still, KNAIVE follows its role models--Arcade, Mentallo, Hammerhead, and Jackyl--and chooses slavery and murder to become a better person.



Turk peels away his web restraints, Shari Sebbens takes a phone call, and Tombstone and Hammerhead stand with the webslingers before KNAIVE. The electricity that gave it birth sparks from this Frankenstein’s monster, and its Robo-Hellboy eyes glow. Shift bounds on all fours, leading his cohort in an attack as the Spider-Caesar of the Planet Of The Vermin. But when KNAIVE reasserts control, Hammerhead charges in to assassinate Tombstone again in The Spectacular Spider-Men #7.


Edgar Delgado fires a loaded palette at Humberto Ramos and Victor Olazaba's frantic art. The battle rages beneath a yellow-orange sky, and combatants cast brown clods of parched ground into the air with every step. The Spider-Men work together to capture KNAIVE like they did the Jackyl-Hulk. The apple-green Jackyl, clad in golden shorts, smiles as his fern-green vermin turn against their giant black and red friend.


Joe Caramagna thwips uppercase letters into white balloons and narrative boxes in The Spectacular Spider-Men #7. Dialogue emboldens, italicizes for intonation, changes color, and never shrinks. Intense emotions swell words, growls, and roars to epic proportions. Sound effects help us hear KNAIVE reject its owner, vermin hiss as they charge, and Peter Parker burst through a barrier to behold a scene that may haunt him forever. Thanks to Marvel for providing a copy for review.




Final Thoughts

Arcadium gives players everything they want except their freedom. As the spider-guys battle an AI adolescent to free players from their beloved illusions, Sha Shan and Detective Shari Sebbens invade the digital Battleworld to unmask a villain in The Spectacular Spider-Men #7.


Rating 9/10


To preview interior art see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Huge Detective #1 Preview



I was traveling when this debut issue came out and had limited time available. After reading the review copy earlier this week, I checked it out at the comic shop. I liked it so much that I left with Huge Detective #1 Cover B. I plan to reread it and review the second issue, which comes out this week. Check out issue Huge Detective #1 if you haven't already. It's cool!





Publisher: Titan Comics

32pp, FC, $3.99 

On sale: August 21, 2024




Something HUGE is coming!




After a race of giants emerged from deep sleep beneath the earth, a bloody conflict ensued in what became known as THE OMEGA EVENT. Eventually, a treaty is resolved and the state of Brobdingnag is created, allowing humans and giants to co-exist harmoniously.


Yet tragedy threatens to shatter the peace, and an unlikely partnership is formed between Detectives Tamaki and GYANT.


As the pair attempt to stop the criminal AT LARGE, they find themselves involved in a mystery BIGGER than either could imagine.


Here's a sample of the interior art.





Here are more cover options.







Thanks to Titan Comics for sharing this preview with us!

Amazing Spider-Man #56 Review


Writers: Zeb Wells & Lee Gatlin

Penciler: John Romita Jr

Inker: Scott Hanna

Artists: Andrés Genolet, Ramon Rosanas & Lee Gatlin

Colorists: Marcio Menyz, Rachelle Rosenberg & Lee Gatlin

Letterers: Joe Caramagna & Lee Gatlin

Editors: Kaeden McGahey, Nick Lowe & C B Cebulski

Cover Artists: John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna & Marcio Menyz; Rafael Albuquerque; Joëlle Jones & Rachelle Rosenberg; Paco Medina & Jesus Aburtov; Pablo Villalobos

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $7.99

Release Date: August 28, 2024


Lonnie Lincoln once worked for Wilson Fisk. On a hunting trip, Wilson recognized Lonnie’s potential. So, he taught the new boy what it means to take power and retain it. During the Gang War, Wilson showed that he had changed. The former Kingpin was putting family before power. Now, Lonnie controls the criminal underworld of New York. Lonnie stripped his daughter of her wings. What else will he do to stay on top, and how will his actions affect Spider-Man? Let's thwip into Amazing Spider-Man #56 and find out!


Main Story

Peter’s life is a mess, but he doesn’t want it to be. He lost Mary Jane and Felicia Hardy. Now he’s got a chance with Shay Marken, and he doesn’t want to blow it. But that means getting his life under control. That’s not easy, given his responsibilities as Spider-Man. Creditors may no longer hound him, but neither does he have a job. A visit to the Daily Bugle knocks that possibility off Peter’s list.


Often, people who struggle in personal relationships throw themselves into work. Peter is better at being Spider-Man than he is at being Peter Parker. But if he’s such a great Spider-Man, why couldn’t he prevent Randy from getting shot? Nearly losing his friend plagues Peter, so Spider-Man takes his anger and frustration out on criminals. If he’s not hassling dodgy real estate agents, he’s making Tombstone look like a crook that other crooks can’t trust. Peter has good reasons to hurt Lonnie, Kareem, and White Rabbit’s reputations. But his actions not only make them look bad. Spider-Man’s duplicity could get them killed.


Lonnie Lincoln recognizes this. Like any leader, he knows his position is tenuous. If Spider-Man contemplates loose threads in Zeb Wells' main story, so does Tombstone. After he won the Gang War back in ASM #44, Tombstone told White Rabbit he'd have to kill Spider-Man. But like the new-and-improved Wilson Fisk, Lonnie has been holding back. In Amazing Spider-Man #56, Spider-Man wants to take down Tombstone. Tombstone needs to take down Spidey. But unlike Peter Parker, Lonnie Lincoln gets no pleasure from it. It’s just something he has to do.



Peter’s eyes glow, and he smiles wide as Randy walks on crutches. His smile fades, and Peter's eyes narrow when Randy asks him to leave. Spider-Man looks like he's addressing flies from atop the villains’ van. Then he yanks the back doors open, filling the air with their blood. Spider-Man thwips the crate of guns away and rides atop Kareem's car. Then he thwips away, leaving a locator beacon on the roof. Lonnie dines alone in a restaurant while bodyguards wait nearby. He wipes his mouth with a cloth napkin as he studies photos of Peter Parker. Do Tombstone's thoughts return to Fisk's object lesson in Africa?


Marcio Menyz tinges John Romita Jr and Scott Hanna’s Daily Bugle newsroom with yellow. While Robbie Robertson’s head glows, the overhead florescent lights cast light diagonally into Robbie’s darker office. But they’re no match for the streetlight that shines over the silhouette of Janice on the sidewalk, casting shadows across her eyes and shoulders as she sniffs red roses. Light streaks the window and the mirror as Tombstone adjusts his tie. He wants to look his best when he rolls down the green window of his black limo and tells Peter to get out of the rain.




Proxy: Story

Spider-Man requests that She-Hulk meet him at Pigeon Coffee And Donuts. He wants to discuss building a case against Lonnie Lincoln, but Bulldozer gets in the way. She-Hulk helps Spidey take Bulldozer down, but she’s upset. She’s on her way to Ned Leeds’ hearing, and the brawl with Bulldozer ruined her favorite blazer. With so much going on in his life, Spider-Man forgot about Ned’s hearing. He wants to be there for his friend. But while She-Hulk heads directly to the courthouse, Spider-Man arrives late.


Ned is unhappy with Peter in Amazing Spider-Man #56. Like Randy Robinson and many in Peter’s life, Ned feels that Peter hasn’t stood by him like a friend should. In Proxy, Spider-Man may win, but Peter Parker loses.



Like Jaws in Moonraker, Rhino consumes his side of a booth, while his date requires little. As they glimpse the fight on the street through the streaked coffee shop window, their guarded expressions relax, and they exchange smiles. Spider-Man thwips a car. She-Hulk rips a streetlight off the curb. Sparking electric cables cast a yellow glow on the rising smoke as She-Hulk throttles Bulldozer with the streetlight. As the villain lays face down on cracked concrete, She-Hulk doesn’t look at Spider-Man. Instead, she inspects her torn shoulder seam and ripped sleeve.


Rachelle Rosenberg paints Andrés Genolet’s courtroom in gray, beige, and brown. While She-Hulk dominates the room in her purple blazer, Ned echoes her color with his V-neck sweater. Bettie and her child wear light blue. The red, white, and blue American flag hangs next to her in the adjacent panel. Peter’s presence offers a weak glow, but his gray clothes diminish him as he pursues Bettie, Ned, and She-Hulk past brown wood and white marble walls. The overhead lights and the sunlight streaming in through the windows behind them give She-Hulk an angelic appearance, while Peter casts a black spider and a Spider-Man standing before a spider-web on the wall. 




Responsibilities: Story

Peter visits Mary Jane and Paul one night. Before he thwips away for an evening of crime fighting, he thanks them for Paul's delicious Chicken Korma. The time Paul took to learn how to make the Indian curry is another reminder of how Paul cares for MJ. But Paul's concern for others isn't limited to the woman he loves. In Zeb Wells' story, Paul is a visitor from another universe. Yet Paul made a list of people injured by his profit-driven focus before he traveled here. He can't help the people who died or still suffer there, so he helps their counterparts on Earth-616. The affecting story makes you wonder. What kind of Spider-Man might Paul become?



Paul and Mary Jane’s apartment is a showroom of straight lines and rectangles. The panel doors, kitchen cabinets, wood floor, kitchen tile, picture frames, and the sleek couch exude ordered calm. When Paul ventures outside into the sea of humanity, he gives a street vendor money, even though he doesn't buy anything. Yet when Paul ventures into the apartment building of a person in trouble, the lines go askew. The building has fallen into disrepair, and the stark lighting creates drama.


Rachelle Rosenberg lavishes a loaded palette of appealing colors on Ramon Rosanas’ art in Amazing Spider-Man #56. The subdued colors of Paul and Mary Jane's apartment make it a beacon of light. The next day, Paul travels past beige buildings, vibrant foliage, and passersby dressed in colorful attire. Paul's memories of his business career reinforce Paul's former indifference to his world, while the warm greens and browns of the apartment he visits suggest the occupant's connection. By the time Paul leaves, the sky has turned gray, and rain pelts down, a final reminder that Paul's form of caring means investing time in others. 




Stark Kraven Mad

In Lee Gatlin's delightful cartoon, Kraven sits on one of the stone statues outside the New York Public Library when Spider-Man thwips into view. The soft green foliage surrounding Kraven evokes the jungle. Is the stone lion Patience or Fortitude? Given Spidey's antics, I can make an educated guess.


Aside from Lee Gatlin’s one-page story, Joe Caramagna thwips uppercase lettering into dialogue balloons and narrative boxes in Amazing Spider-Man #56. The fonts grow bold for inflection, swell and change color for increased volume, and shrink for lowered voices. Colored and transparent sound effects heighten thwipping, headbanging, gavel-banging, a car crash, police sirens, and a brutal brawl. Thanks to Marvel for providing a copy for review.


Final Thoughts

Mary Jane has her life in order. Randy Robertson and Ned Leeds are making progress. But Peter is more lost than ever. He wants to start something good with Shay Marken but doesn't even have a job. So he’s putting Spider-Man’s house in order in Amazing Spider-Man #56. But will becoming a more controlling Spider-Man create more problems than it solves?


Rating 9.6/10


To preview interior art see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Night Of The Harvest Movie

If you like horror movies, here's one to check out! 

What better day to learn about a new horror movie than Friday the Thirteenth!




A year after surviving a brutal attack, Madison is still grappling with the trauma of that night. Seeking a sense of normalcy, she reluctantly agrees to join her sister, Audrey, and her friends at a Halloween bash, hoping for a night of fun and distraction. But the festive atmosphere quickly turns deadly when a masked killer begins to hunt them down one by one. Madison must confront her deepest fears and uncover the sinister secrets that bind her to this horror.


NIGHT AT THE HARVEST is a spine-chilling thriller where masks and costumes aren't just for fun—they're part of a terrifying ritual. Prepare for a journey into the heart of fear, where every shadow hides an unknown threat and each twist reveals the mysteries behind the Harvest.


NIGHT OF THE HARVEST is the third horror feature film created by the Carter Ink Films team of CHRISTOPHER M. CARTER (co-director, writer, and director of photography) and JESSICA MORGAN (co-director, producer, and lead actor). Carter, who has won several awards for directing, says his passion for the Halloween season is what brought the film to life. Exploring the roots of the ancient Samhain tradition and coupling that with a family dynamic is what inspired the story.


The film features a diverse cast, filled with upcoming talent: AERIC AZANA (Fallout 76, Pyramid Game), JIM CIRNER (Shooting Stars, Dark Chronicles), and BRITTANY ISABELL (Dark Chronicles, Omega). The film screened at the Hollywood Independent Filmmaker Awards & Festival and won the Silver award for Best Narrative Horror Feature.

Gravitas Ventures will release the film on digital platforms on September 24, 2024. The film has a running time of 107 minutes and will not be rated by the MPAA.


To view the trailer, go to: Night of the Harvest - Official Trailer


Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4 Review


Writer: Stephanie Phillips

Artists: Paolo Villanelli

Colorist: Matt Milla

Letterer: Ariana Maher

Cover Artists: Mark Brooks, Pasqual Ferry & Rachelle Rosenberg; Jeehyung Lee

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $3.99

Release Date: August 28, 2024


Chameleon captured Gwen, stole her face, and became a menace to society. Gwen escaped and fought him. But now she wields the power of a god. Worse, her new power has supercharged Chameleon. Can New York City sustain another confrontation between these superpowered combatants? Let's thwip into Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4 and find out!



Ouroborus of the Time Variance Authority stole Gwen from Earth-65. OB hid her away on Earth-616 and stole her identity. Then, Chameleon stole Gwen's Ghost-Spider appearance and powers. Now, she's supposed to lie low as Lisa Rogers, yet she wields Thor's lightning. Gwen is keeping secrets from her spider friends, and they are keeping secrets from her.


As in issue #2, Gwen awakens in her apartment in Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4. This time, Peter and Miles are elsewhere, but Silk is there. Like OB, Silk wants Gwen to lie low and not use her powers. The police have issued a warrant for her arrest after Chameleon used her identity to steal cars and kids' ice cream cones. More importantly, Silk senses that Gwen's anxiety is nearing a tipping point. After two explosions yesterday, Silk worries about what Gwen might do if she feels overwhelmed and loses control of her emotions.


When Silk encourages her to share her burdens, she unknowingly echoes George Stacy’s warning in issue #3. Gwen understands Silk's concerns. But OB insisted she cannot share what she knows, or the apocalypse that struck Earth-65 can consume Earth-616. OB also warned her that acting as Spider-Gwen could initiate the apocalypse. So, in addition to keeping secrets from those who want to help, Gwen feels guilty for ignoring his advice. Is her strange transformation the first step toward the end of this world?


Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4 begins with an analogy and ends with a fable. Both speak to Gwen’s guilt. But while the fable speaks to her actions, the analogy addresses actions yet to be performed. Stephanie Phillips' intriguing installment raises a question. If OB asked her not to do anything, why does Gwen feel overwhelmed by all the actions she has not yet performed? 





Gwen thwips past devastated buildings while ravens fly alongside. Then her web snaps, and she falls. Lightning flares from her eyes as Gwen awakens on her mattress. She doesn’t start a fire, but Silk does her best to turn Gwen's apartment into a burnt place by making her breakfast. Darkness falls on Silk as she drops a charred pancake onto Gwen's place. Then Silk crosses her arms over the lightning-bolt letter S on her chest and frowns at the message on Gwen’s white tank top.


Matt Milla lavishes vibrant colors on the spider-gals' chat in Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4. After surrounding the girls with bright greens, blues, and pink, Paolo Villanelli’s conversation between Chameleon and Black Tarantula occurs amid purple and dark blue pipes and blue-tinged brown shelves. Tarantula's exhalations appear as white clouds. But after consuming Gwen's power and the nutrient energy of a future generation, the Chameleon crackles with white lightning. Gwen seeks anonymity at Bear Coffee. Amid her conversation with a stranger, a purple shadow obscures her yellow hoodie and fern-green hat as a police car siren glows outside their window. Is the whirling yellow light radiating a red glare a metaphor for the all-consuming fire rising on Earth-616?


Ariana Maher thwips uppercase black letters into white dialogue balloons with long white arrows and rouge words into white narrative boxes outlined with turquoise. The text varies in size as it grows bold and enlarges for intonation, while epic-sized dialogue elevates tense drama and action. Vibrant and energizing sound effects accompany a Giant-Size Lively Marvel bursting through a wall, Gwen saving a bystander from an explosion, and Gwen hitting someone she later helps in Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4. Thanks to Marvel for providing a copy for review.




Final Thoughts

Peter Parker’s concerns about Gwen’s presence on Earth-616 echo through Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4. After Silk suggests she rely on others for support, Gwen makes a new friend and helps someone in need. She may elude the cops who want to lock her away. But can Gwen escape her destiny as the power within her grows?


Rating 9.2/10


To preview interior art see the Previews World website.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

SDCC: The Fantasmical World Of Rhode Montijo


San Diego Comic-Con had so many exhibits it was impossible to see them all. This one caught my eye on preview night. The Fantasmical World of Rhode Montijo drew a crowd. The displays had great movement, such as the spinning dials on the clock in the foreground. The designer put a lot of thought into this exhibit and it shows. People crowded around to see what was going on. 

The website features lots of cool products for sale. Here are a few to tempt you.


A Signed Print

A Meow-velous Clock!


A Glow-in-the-Dark Pin


A Mini-Book

The Children's Book Author, Illustrator, and Creator Of Curious Oddities has much more to show you. Discover more at The Fantasmical World of Rhode Montijo website. Check it out! It's fun!

Thanks for coming to San Diego Comic-Con and brightening so many people's lives, Rhode!

Minky Woodcock: The Girl Called Cthulhu #1 Preview




If you enjoyed Gun Honey Collision Course, check out the next series from Hard Case Crime and Titan Comics!



(W/A) Cynthia von Buhler

Publisher: Hard Case Crime / Titan Comics

FC, 32pp, $3.99, On Sale October 16, 2024




Sensational artist, author, and playwright, CYNTHIA VON BUHLER melds her glorious illustrations with the eldritch elements of HP LOVECRAFT and ALEISTER CROWLEY.


Inspired by a true WWII maritime operation, shocking satanic events, monstrous men, and one salacious sea creature, this third series tells the tale of Minky’s encounter with legendary horror writer H.P. LOVECRAFT, creator of the dreaded CTHULHU.


Here's a few unlettered interior pages to enjoy!




Here's more cover options!













Fans can pick up a copy from their local comic shop and Forbidden Planet for UK & Europe.


Thanks to Hard Case Crime and Titan Comics for sharing this preview with us!