Monday, August 26, 2024

The Kevin J Anderson Complete Booklist & Reader’s Guide Review


Complete Booklist & Reader’s Guide Review

Writer: Kevin J Anderson

Publisher: Wordfire Press

Price: Free!

Release Date: Available Now!


Readers often wrote to author Kevin J Anderson, asking him about books he wrote, what series they belonged to, and where they could find his short fiction. Answering these requests was a time-consuming challenge, one that took time away from his first love of writing stories. When Western State Colorado University broached the possibility of him coming onboard as an adjunct professor of graduate-level publishing and creative writing, the task of updating his CV with everything he had written proved an even more demanding task. But it also proved a boon, as he finally had all his credits in one place, and could provide fans a comprehensive listing of all the books he has written, and all the short fiction he could track down.


The Complete Booklist & Reader’s Guide lists Kevin J Anderson’s publishing credits in alphabetical and chronological order. In addition to his short fiction credits, it also groups books according to series and genre. It’s an indispensable resource for Kevin J Anderson fans, including books and (most of his ) short stories published as of 2018. Best of all, you can get it free, along with his novel Comrades In Arms, when you join the KJA Readers Group at Wordfire Press.

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