Friday, August 9, 2024

Amazing Spider-Man #54 Review


Writers: Zeb Wells

Pencilers: Ed McGuinness

Inker: Mark Farmer, Mark Morales, Wade Von Grawbadger & Ed McGuinness

Colorists: Marcio Menyz

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

Cover Artists: Ed McGuinness, Mark Farmer & Marcio Menyz; Gabriele Dell’Otto; Javier Garrón & Jesus Aburtov; Federica Mancin & Edgar Delgado; Yasmine Putri

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $4.99

Release Date: July 31, 2024


Evil never dies, and no one eats sins for breakfast. Instead, the Green Goblin hid. It stepped out now and then to dance a fiendish flamenco with Spider-Man. Then, it slithered back to the darkness to plan its triumphant return. This time, it wanted a bigger prize. So it tempted Norman Osborn to infect Peter Parker with its malice. When Ms Marvel organized a rescue, the Walking Brain exploded, and Peter, Norman, and the Walking Brain’s head fell into a pit. Kraven sealed them inside and guarded the entry hatch, refusing to let the malice escape. Are Nancy and Ann Wilson right? Must Peter or Norman keep on sinning? And after a goblin glider struck his chest, is Rek-Rap heartless? Let's thwip into Amazing Spider-Man #54 and find out!



Would you give up your life for your friends? Ms. Marvel died defending Peter Parker and Mary Jane. The Mutants gave her another life, but Ms Marvel didn’t forget the plans she made in her former one. Ms Marvel awaited the Green Goblin's return. She organized a team to protect Norman and Peter from the malicious spirit and led a raid into Norman’s domain to battle the Green Goblin. Ms Marvel stared Death in the face and punched its crazed smile. She would have battled on, but Kraven stopped her. The Hunter doesn’t want anyone else to lose their lives to the Green Goblin. The heroes underground must defeat him before Kraven releases them from the pit.


How much of your life will you devote to others? The Living Brain planned for the Goblin’s eventual return. When that happened, it sacrificed most of its knowledge and thinking capacity to inhabit a robot. Yet, like Ms Marvel, it never wavered in its dedication to the plan. Let’s hope the Walking Brain's forethought and sacrifice pay off, so when it emerges from the pit and reunites with its metal body, it can grab a cigar and proclaim, “I love it when a plan comes together!”


When riches, power, and responsibilities weakened Norman Osborn, he fell prey to the Green Goblin’s domination. But now, just like any abuser, the possessing spirit wants to discard Norman for a younger, more vigorous host. Thankfully, no one vomits a stream of split pea soup in the pit beneath Oscorp. Still, Zeb Wells’ story reminds us not to let others dictate our thoughts and actions. Help others in need, but choose your path and live your dreams. Don’t let anyone or anything subjugate, dominate, or derail you because you're thwipping awesome! That’s the message of Amazing Spider-Man #54.



Ms Marvel pulls on a metal hatch with her stretchy arms and Dr Octavius' old metal appendages. A one-armed man asks a Hulk-sized hero if he needs help pulling a smoking metal glider from his chest. Kraven presses Doug to his abdomen with his forearm and wraps the fingers of his other hand around J. Jonah Jameson’s neck. Go on, Jameson! Blame Spidey for the Green Goblin’s return!


Mark Farmer, Mark Morales, and Wade Von Grawbadger enhance Ed McGuinness’ portrayal of a mournful Norman and an exultant Peter. Energy crackles from the Winkler Device helmet at the bottom of the spear while the bejeweled head evokes a Minbari White Star. Pipes and equipment line the excavated tunnel walls as Peter and Norman vie to wield the weapon and avoid the raging spirit that hungers to control both men. 




Lights shine on Ms Marvel’s dark hair and reflect off her colorful suit and metal gauntlet as she strains to pry apart blue-gray metal. Purple and green threaten to outshine red and blue amid brown earthen walls. The sinful spear trails a red ribbon in its wake before the spirit manifests as a disembodied jubilant face, its yellow eyes and white fangs whirling through the air like a Poltergeist and spooking yellow sparks from Spidey’s red mask in Amazing Spider-Man #54. Yet Marcio Menyz shows the tide of battle turn when Spider-Man crouches before a green metal head amid the battle for three people's lives.


Joe Caramagna thwips uppercase lettering into dialogue balloons and narrative boxes. The fonts grow bold for inflection, swell for increased volume, get italicized for machine-speak, and shrink for lowered voices. Colored laughter and anguished cries fill the air. Enlarged letters burst from dialogue balloons, and vibrant sound effects enhance the thunder below ground in Amazing Spider-Man #54. Thanks to Marvel for providing a copy for review.




Final Thoughts

As Peter Parker’s friends strive to help him cast out a possessing spirit, three people test the limits of their bravery, ingenuity, and willingness to sacrifice to answer a question that will determine their destiny in Amazing Spider-Man #54.


Rating 9.6/10


To preview interior art see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.

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