Friday, October 11, 2024

Conan The Barbarian #15 Review


Writer: Jim Zub

Artist: Doug Braithwaite

Colorist: Diego Rodriguez

Letterer: Richard Starkings & Tyler Smith

Editor: Chris Butera

Cover Artists: Mahmud Asrar, Jessica Fong, Doug Braithwaite, Fernando Dagnino & Ariel Diaz

Publisher: Titan Comics

Price: $3.99

Release Date: September 25, 2024


Even after defeating the Aquilonian invaders at the Battle of Venarium, Conan was appalled by the Vanir’s slaughter of an Aesir village. He joined Wulfhere’s scouting party while Niord raised an army to battle the Vanir. How will Conan fare when a blizzard abates and Wulfhere’s scouting party stands before the Vanir raiders? Let's grab our swords and battle axes, shout “By Crom,” venture into Conan The Barbarian #15, and find out!



Wulfhere’s reavers met the wolves of Bragi on the frozen plain. Now, only Conan and Heimdul remain. The Vanir warrior thinks he will be the victor. But all too soon, Heimdul lies dead at Conan's feet. Suddenly, lights blaze around the survivor, and a young woman appears. Her radiant hair shines gold like the Aesir and red like the Vanir. When she refuses to name her tribe or nation, he inquires about Niord’s war party. Again, she refuses to answer and soothe Conan’s concern for his Aesir friend. And she takes offense when he swears by Niord’s silent god. She runs into the snowy hills after telling Conan that he is too weak to follow and runs toward the snow-covered hills.


In Conan The Barbarian #15, Conan has weighed his soul against Crom. He has tested his strength against stone and steel. As Conan pursues the daughter of Ymir, northern lights shine in the sky. Soon, he will face Atali’s brothers. Although larger than Bragi's raiders, they fall before Conan’s blade.


In Gods Of The North, Chapter Three of his story Frozen Faith, Jim Zub takes on “The Frost Giant’s Daughter.” Zub’s retelling of Robert E Howard’s story reflects the difficulty in discovering one's identity. Atali may be the daughter of a god, yet she finds life with her father far from heavenly. Atali seeks something to call her own, but her father demands sacrifice. So, Atali begrudgingly offers Conan to her brothers.


Conan's fervor in battling mortals also aids him when facing demigods. His refusal to back down to anyone made him worthy of becoming her worshipper. However, the obstinance she admires prevents Conan from becoming Atali’s slave. Like the Autobots who refuse to bow before the Decepticons’ oppression, Atali discovers more than meets the eye in Conan The Barbarian #15.




As dead Aesir and Vanir litter the ground, a sword handle edges into the foreground like a cemetery cross. Conan exhales a cloud, while Heimdul appears transcendent. He wields a sword as a spear using a two-handed grip. Then Conan stands amid the dead in his Aesir armor. Atali hovers before him. Her hair and gossamer gown defy gravity as she radiates blue light. Her gold and red hair evokes Heimdul’s beard, yet hers glows like the gold encircling her neck, arms, wrists, and ankles. Her diaphanous lavender gown matches the purple and magenta sky.


Then orange and yellow blazes in the sky like the Cimmerian's passion, and a purple plume rises behind Conan in the blue heavens. Frost speckles the red and gold hair and beards of her blue-skinned brothers. Ymir's supersized sons sport little more than Barsoomian battle gear and horned helmets in Conan The Barbarian #15. Blue fills the sky as they battle Conan. But then red fills the background when Conan slays and emerges the victor.


Amid Doug Braithwaite’s lifelike art and Diego Rodriguez’s vibrant coloring, Richard Starkings adorns Conan’s interlude with Ymir’s children with black, uppercase lettering in white dialogue balloons. The stylized font of the flame-haired woman's thoughts inhabits blue lowercase letters in white narrative boxes. The utterances and musings embolden for intonation, occasionally enlarge, and never shrink. Shouts deform balloons and change the font color to match the runes spoken by mirthless giants. Thanks to Titan for providing a copy for review.




Final Thoughts

Conan found comradeship in Niord, who admitted that he also wondered if his god heard his prayers. In Conan The Barbarian #15, the gods live. But they are jealous, and their familial relationships prove as dysfunctional as on the mortal plane.


Rating 9.4/10


To view interior art see my preview at The Dragon's Cache


To read Jim Zub's reasons for covering The Frost Giant's Daughter, read my Jim Zub Interview Part 4.

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