Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Huge Detective #4 Preview


The world has gotten a little crazy lately. While I've scrambled to cover the basics, some issues of my favorite series have been delayed. Thankfully, writer Adam Rose gave me a heads up that Huge Detective #4 was hitting comics shops today. So even though I've missed previewing a few Titan titles, I'm making sure you see this one!

This issue sees the world scrambling as the Huge skeleton that erupted from the moon drifts toward the Earth. It also puts our Human and Huge detectives in peril. Even as a cataclysm approaches, someone seems intent on reigniting the war between Humans and Giants.

What can I say? Some people need better things to do!


Now, let's take a look inside:



Now, let's check out the other covers available:


Thanks to Titan Comics for sharing this preview with us, and to Adam Rose for the timely reminder!

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