Saturday, March 8, 2025

Huge Detective #4 Review


Writer: Adam Rose

Artist: Magenta King

Colorists: Magenta King & Minimone

Letterer: DC Hopkins

Cover Artists: Alex Moore, Magenta King & Lenka Simeckova

Publisher: Titan Comics

Price: $3.99

Release Date: March 5, 2025


Detective Gyant found Human and Huge bodies in underground caverns beneath Belter’s Cave. But someone left booby traps that injured Gyant and killed nearby Humans. As Human relationships with the Huge breakdown, another Omega Event threatens. Yet even another war between the Huge and the Humans pale before an imminent impact event as a Huge skeleton drifts toward Earth. Can FBI Captain Tamaki and Detective Gyant work together to discover what happened at Belter’s Cave, prevent a war, and protect life on Earth from extinction? Let’s slip on our seven-league boots, leap into Huge Detective #4, and find out!



Mrs Stubbs raised Manny. She filled the boy’s head with a grand dream. In Adam Rose’s story, Mrs Stubbs convinces her adoptive human son that he will tower above the land. Mrs Stubbs held his head underwater so Manny could hold his breath for long periods. She also gave him a dictionary so he could project his thoughts. Perhaps Manny will never grow tall enough to touch the moon. Still, as he sits in his cell, attended by Dr Crawford and trained staff, the boy has a psychic connection with Detective Gyant. Stranger still, Manny knew what was happening on the moon before the Hubble telescope spotted the Huge skeleton leaving the Copernicus Crater.


In Huge Detective #4, Tamaki and Gyant visit Mrs Stubbs. As they sit in the aircraft hangar where she raised Manny, Mrs Stubbs serves tea and tells them about her past. Detective Gyant found her business partner's body in Belter's cave. Her husband died during the early years of Dollsville. Detective Gyant understands her concerns. The Huge have strong olfactory systems, and the aroma of Humans drives them wild. Although he denies it, Detective Gyant struggles not to think of eating Humans when he is around them. He may have killed Humans when his people arose and established Brobdingnag, but the Huge wants to believe he's better than that now.


While Detective Gyant learns the truth behind the mystery at Belter’s Cave in Huge Detective #4, his Human partner also faces a dilemma. Tamaki lost her mother during the Omega Event. Her father is an empty shell. She uses pills to survive her constant headaches. Captain Tamaki can barely stand to be around a member of this species that destroyed her life. When danger threatens, will Tamaki stand by and watch it happen, or risk all she has to try and save Detective Gyant?



Magenta King's art suggests a children’s book more than traditional comic art. Despite the horns or bone spurs on the sides of his head, Detective Gyant appears like a Human character. As they look up at him or scurry around his feet, Humans like Tomaki and Mrs Stubbs resemble dolls. You can understand the Huge’s fascination with these tiny people that filled their world while the larger species slept.


Magenta King & Minimone cast Mrs Stubbs’ memories in Black And White. Regrettable “workplace” accidents in Dollsville splash red on white and gray. Red bathes panels when danger threatens. The vibrant colors in Huge Detective #4 wade into the primary waters of red, yellow, and blue. As the giant beige skeleton drifts our blue orb, the skull’s eyes glow yellow against a dark blue starfield.


DC Hopkins projects black and red uppercase handprinted lettering into white dialogue balloons and colored narrative boxes. A Huge’s thoughts appear in Old School cloudy balloons. Giant-size dialogue conveys Mrs Stubb’s horror at a regrettable start to her missionary journey, while an enormous yellow thud heralds her new vision. Breaking News reports appear as white letters in black boxes as video clips project Earth’s future. Thanks to Titan Comics for providing a copy for review.


Final Thoughts

As Mrs Stubbs reveals her past and Dr Crawford helps bring her plans to fruition, Manny demonstrates that he won't be anyone's doll in Huge Detective #4.


Rating 9.6/10


To look inside see my preview of Huge Detective #4.

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