Friday, February 28, 2025

Dope Man Vol 2 Solicit



This series looks exciting, even if it likely has nothing to do with Cheech and Chong. (Psst: Dave's not here. Wait, I am here! Never mind). Can't wait to read it! Here's all the info from Titan Comics:



Format: Manga

(W) Ryo Yoshigami

(A) Yuhey Ogino

Publisher: Titan Manga (imprint of Titan Comics)

B&W, SC, 208pp, $12.99  

On Sale June 4, 2025






As THE DOPEMEN grow stronger, and their devastating powers continue to leave a trail of destruction in their wake, the D-UNIT must come up with new tactics to contain the threat. The dark alternate reality continues to be explored in this second volume, as Japan has now become completely unrecognizable.


Order with this Previews World Order Code: MAR250289    

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #30 Review


Writer: Cody Ziglar

Artist: Luigi Zagaria

Colorist: Bryan Valenza

Letterer: Cory Petit

Cover Artists: Federico Vicentini & Neeraj Menon; Taurin Clarke; Nic Klein

Production Designer: Sarah Spadaccini

Editors: Tom Groneman, Mark Basso, Kaitlyn Lindtvedt, Cy Pedro Beltran, Nick Lowe & C B Cebulski

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $3.99

Release Date: February 19, 2025


When Shuri transported them to Bast's domain, neither T’Challa nor Miles realized they opened the door for the goddess' brother. Anansi invited Varnae back into the Black Panther's soul and forced Miles to confront his fears. While the battle freed Miles of his vampirism, it left him with a divine hangover.


Wade Wilson has also dwelt with the gods lately. Deadpool killed Death Grip. His nemesis escaped the afterlife to return the favor. Valentine Vuong helped Ellie resurrect her dad. But Wade wants to get off the living and dying merry-go-round. Can Miles help Wade and Ellie consign Death Grip to a forever home? Let's stop posting thirst traps on social media, leap into Miles Morales: Spider-Man #30, and find out!



Raneem Rashad attempted to obliterate Miles and his family. Varnae possessed Blade and turned Miles into a vampire. Hanging out with Ganke in his beloved Brooklyn is a welcome relief after all his troubles. But when Shift dials for a dialogue, Miles thwips the skies fantastic for brother duty.


Miles has a loving family and a comfortable home. Shift lives in the sewers with vermin for company. When Shift emerges from the underground, New Yorkers hail him a hero. Yet many mistake Shift for his brother. Miles’ family insists that Shift belongs. Although he found impersonating Miles difficult, Shift enjoyed meeting Miles' friends and dining in the school cafeteria. Perhaps Shift seeks Miles' help reassessing where he belongs. Instead, Shift gets a bullet meant for his brother and a casting offer for Deadpoot’s rendition of Weekend At Bernie’s.


Cody Ziglar invites us to share Miles' perspective in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #30. Wade and Ellie's scenes remind us that each wants to work together, yet both suffer from similar faults that inhibit teamwork. Miles vows to protect his brother from the lookalike mercenaries. While Wade and Ellie struggle to convince Miles of the worthiness of their cause, Shift’s willingness to meet others halfway reminds us what makes him such a compelling addition to the spider-verse.




Luigi Zagaria delivers detailed art that conveys the energy surging through Cody Ziglar's story. After Miles' triumph in Bast's realm, Deadpool’s reaction to Miles’ venom sword recalls Anansi’s warning about relying on violence to solve problems. Miles' spider-god perches on his shoulder or hovers nearby. Miles may owe the god for quenching his thirst for blood. But Miles would prefer to thwip across Brooklyn and fight Mercs With Mouths without celestial commentary in his ears.


Ganke radiates warmth as he walks alongside Miles, eating his hot dog and gently ribbing his friend for his abrupt absence. Miles' vibranium red and purple suit differentiates him from Shift. The venom sword’s crackling yellow energy brightens Miles like a roaring fire. Bryan Valenza's cosmic double-page spread evokes Bill Mantlo’s series about tiny travelers. Yet the overwhelming color theme of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #30 is that the red family that fights together crashes together.


Cory Petit thwips uppercase letters into dialogue balloons and narrative boxes. Miles' thoughts appear as white letters in red narrative boxes. The delicate font (and Deadpool's more robust version) grows bold for intonation, enlarges for volume, and shrinks for lowered voices. Sound effects enhance kicks, hits, thwips, explosions, and clashing energy weapons. Yet the giant white letters grounding a gunshot provide the most heartstopping panel in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #30. Thanks to Marvel Comics for providing a copy for review. 




Final Thoughts

Someone paid Agent Gao a barrel of bucks to deliver Spider-Man’s head. While Deadpool and Miles clash over mutual desires to protect their families, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #30 encourages us to seek enlightenment by not shirking life’s challenges.


Rating 9.4/10


To look inside see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Solomon Kane: The Serpent Ring #3 Solicit




What can I say? Here it is, a solicitation for Solomon Kane: The Serpent Ring #3, and all I can tell you is the same thing I've said all along. I'm looking forward to this new series! I can't wait to review the first issue! Please order this first solo series so Titan can bring us lots more Solomon Kane adventures!


Here's all the info from Titan Comics:




Format: Comic Book

(W/A): Patch Zircher

Publisher: Titan Comics & Heroic Signatures

FC, 32pp, $4.99, On sale: May 21, 2025


SOLOMON KANE IS BACK! The 'Sword of Vengeance' slashes into his own new series, SOLOMON KANE: THE SERPENT RING! Kane battles from the Barbary Coast; across Southern Europe, to the canals of Venice, as a band of rogues forms around him in their quest for the fabled Serpent Ring of Set! It's the much-anticipated return of Solomon Kane from Patrick Zircher (Superman, Iron Man, Savage Avengers, Moon Knight)!


Here are two more cover options:





Spider-Boy #16 Review


Writers: Dan Slott

Artists: Paco Medina

Colorist: Erick Arciniega

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

Cover Artists: Paco Medina & Edgar Delgado; Dave Bardin; David Baldeón & Jesus Aburtov

Designer: Adam Del Re

Editors: Tom Groneman, Nick Lowe & CB Cebulski

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $4.99

Release Date: February 12, 2025


Spider-Girl loves winning. Friends may come and go, but trophies, medals, and ribbons are forever. Spider-Boy hates the Dragon’s Challenge because he values friendships and helping others more than winning contests. So when his spider-sense reveals that Bullseye will turn on Spider-Girl, Spider-Boy is so preoccupied with her safety that he falls in the final round. Will Spider-Boy’s failure endanger the entire world? And how can Spider-Boy protect Earth if Hulkette punches him to the moon? Let's thwip into Spider-Boy #16 and find out!



Years ago, when Spider-Boy disobeyed Daredevil and knocked out Bullseye in the Hellfire Club, his mentor forfeited his rights to the Golden Fang. When Spider-Boy disobeys Daredevil in The Dragon’s Challenge and doesn’t devote his full attention to Bullseye, Daredevil again yields to protect Bailey. Like Bullseye, Daredevil has a card to play. He may not outfight his nemesis for control of the Gaping Maw. But Matt Murdoch went to Law School. Perhaps he can outthink his opponent in Spider-Boy #16.


As Spider-Boy said, Spider-Girl cannot copy her victim’s thoughts and abilities. Like the mirrors in a funhouse, she can only mimic a distorted reflection of them. Spider-Boy tried to warn Spider-Girl that Bullseye was grooming her as a disposable tool. Yet when she stared into Bullseye’s lying eyes, Spider-Girl believed her mentor cared for her. Sadly, when they defeat Daredevil and Spider-Boy in Dan Slott’s story, Bullseye claims their prize for himself.


After Daredevil gets Bullseye disqualified from The Dragon’s Challenge, he poses a question to Spider-Girl. Would she like Spider-Boy as a teammate? Both spider young’uns thought the contest was over in Spider-Boy #16. But these matches were merely the preliminary to the battle for control of the Gaping Maw.


Accepting Spider-Boy as a teammate means protecting him from the gamma-girl who wants to punch him to the moon. But it also represents payback. After all, Spider-Girl helped Bullseye steal the golden fang from Bailey and Daredevil, forcing them to commit a dishonorable act to protect the world from Bullseye. 





Paco Medina reveals a brightly colored room when Bailey gazes at a triumphant Bullseye and Spider-Girl. Yet the darkness surrounding Bailey is only dispersed by distant lights in Spider-Boy #16. The ninja leader removes her mask to congratulate the winners, only to reveal her disdain when she raises the evidence of Bullseye's crime. When Bullseye escapes, black birds fly around him, evoking the ravens that seek out Spider-Gwen after an apocalypse hits Earth-65.


As Spider-Boy and Spider-Girl combat a light-green opponent, Boy-Spider invades a room that should be his. Erick Arciniega fills Bailey's room at FEAST with the same red, brown, and gold that enrich the Gaping Maw’s headquarters, while Boy-Spider’s green shirt echoes the ninjas’ robes and their jade dragon statue. Boy-Spider claws through a red poster of Bailey's favorite film franchise while Spider-Boy and Spider-Girl's opponent fights with sharp talons. As he once chased viewers from a film celebrating the power of family, Boy-Spider rages when he sees a photo of Bailey getting the love he lost.


Joe Caramagna thwips uppercase black lettering into white dialogue balloons and narrative boxes in Spider-Boy #16. Words shrink for lowered voices, embolden for intonation, swell for volume, and change color for emphasis. Sound effects help us hear clawing, crashing, and crying out in rage as characters destroy and win golden treasures. Thanks to Marvel Comics for providing a copy for review.




Final Thoughts

Spider-Boy #16 ties up most dangling plot threads while tantalizing with possible new directions. It closes out this story about fighting by showing brains triumphing over brawn. As the story focuses on the dynamics of friendships, families, and the role of a mentor, it also suggests that no one is incapable of reform.


Rating 9.2/10


To look inside see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.



Wednesday, February 26, 2025

King Conan: Original Comics Omnibus Vol 3 Solicit



I discovered Conan The King on the spinner racks. I think the first issue I found was Conan The King #6. It was a lighthearted series about Conan's relationship with his family and his kingdom. At least, that's how I remember it. 

Later, when Marvel renamed the series King Conan, the stories grew darker. Conan's young heart yearned for adventure. His older head struggled with sacrificing his needs for those he loved. But then, Conan had his mirth and his melancholy. It'd be interesting to reread these stories and compare them with the recollections of my old head and young heart.

Here's all the info from Titan Comics:



Format: Omnibus

(W) Don Kraar, Christopher J. Priest (aka Jim Owsley)

(A) John Buscema, Mike Docherty, Geoff Isherwood, Tony DeZuniga, Judith Hunt and Mike Manley

Publisher: Titan Comics & Heroic Signatures

HC, 7.25" x 10.875", 896pp, $150, On Sale September 3, 2025


This mammoth volume includes one of the more rarely collected stories from the conclusion of John Buscema’s first long tenure on the Conan line of books as presented here and in the Conan of the Isles graphic novel. The rest of this collection includes the remaining run of issues of Conan the King as penned by Don Kraar and then Jim Owsley (aka Christopher Priest) with notable artistic runs by Mike Docherty and Geoff Isherwood.


Collecting: Conan the King (1984) #36-55 and Conan of the Isles graphic novel (1988) Marvel Graphic Novel #42



Amazing Spider-Man #68 Review

Writer: Justina Ireland

Penciler: Andrea Broccardo

Inker: Scott Hanna

Colorist: Marcio Menyz

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

Cover Artists: Patrick Gleason & Richard Isanove; Skottie Young; Cory Smith & Edgar Delgado; Luciano Vecchio

Editors: Kaitlyn Lindtvedt, Tom Groneman, Nick Lowe & C B Cebulski

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $4.99

Release Date: February 19, 2025


Peter Parker may have spent the night with Felicia Hardy, but he’s hardly ready to rekindle their romance. He's seen everyone in the world die. Finally, he can retire from the superhero career sparked by his uncle's death. Someone else can take up Doom's challenge and fight the scions of Cyttorak. If they succeed, Peter can pursue a life like Arcadium showed him. If they fail, well, everyone dies sooner or later.


Doctor Strange and Cyra couldn’t break through Peter’s malaise. Can anyone convince Peter to stop petting Felicia’s cats and don Doctor Doom’s arcane armor again? Let's grab some chew toys for Callix’s crimson hounds, thwip into Amazing Spider-Man #68, and find out!



Why would a scion cry? That’s what Peter wonders when Cyra pulls him through a portal. Peter sees his best friend, almost-girlfriend, Aunt May, and another man on the ground. Instead of hosting the FEAST Community Day, the volunteers exemplify what happens when people don’t help the endangered.


Peter cried when he watched the characters die in Cyra’s sad stories. The corpses remind him that threats will always attack Earth in Amazing Spider-Man #68. Doctor Doom and Doctor Strange are tackling other dangers to the planet. But because Peter believed in the fiction Cyra created, Spider-Man withdrew his protection from the people he loved.




Cradios asked the X-Men to stop annoying him while the scion destroyed their world. Callix welcomes resistance in Amazing Spider-Man #68. Doom's arcane armor and Doctor Strange’s magic spells help Peter level up. But the Blight convinces the godling to shed the "weaknesses" that restrain him. Callix handed Spider-Man an easy victory during his challenge. Not even Juggernaut can stop Callix now. Still, Spider-Man vows to do what he can in Justina Ireland's story. 


Everyone struggles in their relationships. Like Callix, Peter has fought to meet others' expectations. The Blight senses the resultant irritation. Perhaps Juggernaut and Spider-Man can disregard this anger. But outrage over an inability to please everyone threatens to sweep across Earth like a pandemic. How much more might we accomplish if we could eighty-six all the people who refuse to be pleased with our efforts on their behalf?





While the X-Men shine like a rainbow, Marcio Menyz clothes Peter in white and gray. Radiant red Cyra brings Peter to Phil Coulson. Attired in black and gray, Coulson stands before the shattered pearlescent windows of the golden-brown FEAST center. Red fabric and silver and green armor transform Peter. The white polygonal eye shields regard Aunt May. Then, the silver mask turns away. Doom's champion clutches his metal-clad fingers into fists in Amazing Spider-Man #68.




Once, Callix's face shone as brightly as Cyra’s. Like a star, the infected scion's face burns white-hot as red and orange energy beams surround him. After Spider-Man drops between the X-Men and Callix, Spider-Man leads the charge of the X-Light Brigade. Smoke rises around Callix and his Rot Dogs amid the Contest Of Champions. Andrea Broccardo and Scott Hanna show the Blight covering Callix as cells, amoebas, or miniature universes. But when Callix converts the Blight into a black shard, he demonstrates the ultimate effects of Soul Rot.


Joe Caramagna thwips uppercase black lettering into dialogue balloons and narrative boxes. The dialogue grows bold and changes color for inflection. As it enlarges for volume and rarely shrinks, barking and snarling rise above the devastation. Energy beams and explosions amplify the growing chaos. But a snap decision could echo across the universe in Amazing Spider-Man #68. Thanks to Marvel for providing a copy for review.




Final Thoughts

Peter Parker dreams of a life without power or responsibilities. When he awakens, he discovers that reality differs radically from his fantasy. So, Peter makes a list of what he can do. But as the Avengers couldn’t prevent Thanos from pruning the crowded universe, Spider-Man struggles to halt the efficiency drive intended to simplify his complex world in Amazing Spider-Man #68.


Rating 9.7/10


To look inside see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Collected Will Eisner's John Law Preview


I've read the first two stories in this collection so far. They cover a wide range of classic storytelling styles. The first evokes a romantic wartime action-drama. The second is a lighthearted Horror story. It's a gorgeous album with fun stories celebrating a character who doesn't look a million miles away from Nick Fury. (Maybe it's the eye patch). If you like Golden Age comics, check it out!

Here's all the info from Titan Comics:



Author: Will Eisner

Illustrator: Gary Chaloner

Publisher: Hard Case Crime, Titan Comics imprint

HC, 152 pages, B&W, $24.99

ISBN: 9781787745353

On sale March 4, 2025


Wherever men live, be they nomads or city dwellers, there they must have law and a man to enforce it.


Meet Detective John Law of Crossroads City. Strong, decent, hardworking and hard-nosed. He’s a man who believes in the law and order. He’s the last of a dying breed.


In 1948, Will Eisner produced the first issue of “John Law Detective”, which he intended to add to a line of self-published comics. However, after Eisner's “Baseball Comics”, “Kewpies”, and “Pirate Comics” failed to find an audience, John Law never made it to the newsstand and was quietly dropped, with much of the original artwork reworked in 1950 for his most famous creation, The Spirit.


Featuring original stories by Will Eisner, Gary Chaloner’s award-winning reboot from 2004, including a previously unpublished John Law Story, and a forward by long-time Eisner publisher Denis Kitchen, this is a must-have for not just Eisner fans but comic collectors of all ages.


Now, let's take a look inside:



There's more preview pages to come, but I'll save those for later. For now, know that The Collected Will Eisner’s John Law Collection will be on sale March 4, 2025 at bookstores, comic shops and digital. Pre-order now from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million  and Forbidden Planet for UK. 


Thanks to Titan Comics and Hard Case Crime for sharing this preview with us!


G I Joe #4 Review


Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artist: Tom Reilly

Colorist: Jordie Bellaire

Letterer: Rus Wooton

Cover Artists: Tom Reilly; David Finch & Adriano Lucas; Derrick Chew; David Nakayama; Travis Moore & Adriano Lucas; E J Su; Tyler Kirkham

Editor: Ben Abernathy

Publication Design: Andres Juarez

Production: Ashby Florence

Publisher: Image Comics

Price: $3.99

Release Date: February 19, 2025


Cobra Commander holds the world’s supply of Energon. His scientists have the alien technology of the shard of Cybertron. Now, Cobra Commander set his sights on Dr Monev and his brainwave scanner.


Rock 'N Roll's shadow hangs heavy over Duke's team. Clutch hides out in Springfield. Risk wants to take command. Can Duke and his unhappy and distracted team prevent Cobra from capturing Dr Monev and his mind-controlling invention? Let's grab our rifles, leap into G I Joe #4, and find out!



When Cover Girl catches Clutch’s transmission, Duke must make a snap decision. Cobra is making a move for Dr Monev and his experimental brainwave scanner. The inventor is in Washington, DC. His invention is in Virginia. They’re not worlds apart. Still, Duke opts to split up the team. As Duke, Risk, and Baroness try to rescue Dr Monev, Stalker and Cover Girl seek to secure the mind-alteration machine. Both groups come under fire from Cobra forces. And no one on either team is happy with Duke’s leadership.


After losing people and the Cybertronian shard, the Joes are hungry for a win in G I Joe #4. Aside from their differences and waning confidence in Duke, the team faces another obstacle. The Joes are a secret team. Few in the military know they exist, forcing them to fight their fellow soldiers when they need to work together to protect the USA from Cobra.


While Duke's team threatens to burst and bleed out like one of Stalker's stitches, Destro's forces align under Cobra Commander. Destro insists he is a co-leader of Cobra. But the Commander calls the shots in Joshua Williamson’s story. As Cobra Commander folds Extensive Enterprises and the remnants of the Dreadnoks under his umbrella, he treats MARS personnel and facilities like his own. Perhaps Destro can still count on Chameleon and Hybrid Technologies. Still, he must scramble to keep up with Cobra Commander's moves and discover his partner's weaknesses.



Tom Reilly shows Dr Monev’s fright as he clutches Duke's collar on the speeding motorcycle with his wrists bound by handcuffs. Baroness shows her disgust while glancing back on her cycle to fire at their pursuers. Duke grits his teeth as he struggles to make his plan work. An explosion hurls his team to the ground in G I Joe #4, evoking their failure to protect the Cybertronian shard. Duke believes they still have options. But when civilians flee another explosion, and a father clutches his frightened child, Duke drops his gun.


Blue, green, and pink energize the Crimson Twins' pursuit as their armored jeep rams aside white vehicles. Xamot and Tomax’s gray skin contrasts with their fluorescent red uniforms and the intense green and blue air. Blue-white lasers distort the Joes’ perceptions as explosions from stinger missiles threaten to white out Washington, DC.


Orange, purple, gray, and green enliven a sniper in Shenandoah National Park. After a familiar silhouette emerges from the blue and orange smoke, Jordie Bellaire grants him lifelike coloring as he carries out vehicular carnage. Then he points a laser rifle with a curved bayonet at Stalker and Cover Girl.


Rus Wooton fires black uppercase letters into white dialogue balloons and narrative boxes. His letters shrink for lowered voices, grow bold for intonation, and swell for raised voices in G I Joe #4. Sound effects enliven knockout blows, bursting brains, grinding gears, sheering metal, and alarms bathing Springfield in crimson. Thanks to Image Comics, Skybound, and Hasbro for providing a copy for review.


Final Thoughts

Firefights in National Parks and the nation's capital leave Duke's team defeated. Like Captain Kirk after V’ger swallows the USS Enterprise, Duke insists they're down but not out. But the Cobra Commander is gathering all the components to complete his plans. Once, he worked to make Cobra-La a world power. Now, if the Cobra Commander's plan is successful, all will bow at his feet.


Rating 9.2/10


For more cover art see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Power Rangers Prime #4 Review


Writer: Melissa Flores

Artist: Michael Yg

Colorist: Fabi Marques

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Designer: Madison Goyette

Editors: Caroline Butler, David Mariotte & Matt Gagnon

Cover Artists: Dan Mora; Matt Taylor; Bon Bernardo; Doaly; Mike Huddleston; Haining; Guillaume Martinez; Jordan Gibson; Dax Ramirez

Publisher: Boom! Studios

Price: $4.99

Release Date: February 19, 2024


Mark and Orion are alien refugees. Jun is an Eltarian admiral’s son. Valentina has a powerful Human father. Their plan to help Lauren find a Morpher and free her imprisoned parents goes wrong when Rita Repulsa and Bulk break into the museum. But they would never slip in and out of the Angel Grove Natural History Museum anyway. Valentina told her boyfriend that Jun was helping a Power Ranger. Ryan mobilized his VR Troopers and told his Eltarian superiors they knew where to capture the Power Ranger.


Can Lauren escape the Eltarian Guard and the VR Troopers to rescue her parents? What will happen to Jun, Valentina, Mark, and Orion? And who will take care of Doobie if the Eltarians imprison the dog’s masters? Let's grab our Morphers, leap into Power Rangers Prime #4, and see what happens!



Jun may feel more at home on Earth than Eltar, but he doesn't inhabit the same world as Humans or alien refugees. Commander Yorlam insists Jun should become a Guardian. His mother has other plans for him. Yet among all the options available, Jun is like Eve hungering for the forbidden fruit. Rita Repulsa’s spell helps Lauren become a Ranger again. Yet Rita’s magic also changes Lauren’s suit and powers in Power Rangers Prime #4. Like disciples watching fabled heroes appear, Jun wants to stay and soak in every moment of this transfiguration. Unfortunately, Valentina knows they're in danger and wants to protect Jun.


Valentina didn't want to break the law and help a Power Ranger. Jun's decision to help Lauren blows up Valentina's Date Night. Ryan may have little in common with Steve Carell. But his fervor to capture a Power Ranger threatens their romance.


Frustrated by her conflicting loyalties to Jun and Ryan, Valentina unleashes her anger on Mark and Orion. Yet the displaced alien students have risked their places at Angel Grove University to rescue the endangered, whether strays like Doobie or hunted like Lauren. Melissa Flores' story forces Valentina to choose where she belongs. It's not an easy decision. But then, figuring out where you belong never is.


The Eltarians conquer worlds and scatter the survivors across their empire. As they cannot run their empire without the help of other races, they empower those they conquer. In Power Rangers Prime #4, Ryan and Captain Kanel must decide who takes the lead in attacking a Power Ranger. The Guardians want to apprehend the criminal. Yet the Eltarians have glamorized VR Troopers to get Humans to join their ranks. And the VR Troopers wield more firepower than Eltarian Guardians.



Jun pilots an elegant spaceship to land on Eltar. His uniqueness grows apparent as Jun mixes with others of his race. Amid the sweeping architecture that recalls Angel Grove's new look, Commander Yorlam yanks on Jun's black hair to highlight his crime. Yet Yorlam wears a circle beard proudly in Power Rangers Prime #4, while most Eltarians are cleanshaven.


As Michael Yg shows Rita Repulsa wielding her recreated magic wand, Fabi Marques colors it red and gold. Rita's wand and white dress match Lauren's red, gold, and white suit. The bluish-purple interior of the Angel Grove Natural History Museum reminds us of the Eltarians’ faces. Yet the walls and ceiling evoke the Guardians' uniforms.


Ed Dukeshire casts uppercase black letters into white dialogue balloons and narrative boxes. The letters turn purple when Rita Repulsa summons her magic. Giant, colored dialogue bursts balloons, and red laughter fills the air as a T-Rex roars. Yet a plaintive cry mixes triumph with tragedy in Power Rangers Prime #4. Thanks to Boom! Studios for providing a copy for review.


Final Thoughts

Bulk sought a government job for the health benefits, stable employment, and a pension. Rita Repulsa may call him an idiot. Yet the space witch sees value in him that the Eltarians do not. Bulk thought he knew what his future held. But like Jun, Valentina, Orion, and Mark, Bulk must decide where he belongs in Power Rangers Prime #4.


Rating 9.6/10


For more cover art see my review at Comic Book Dispatch.